End Time Planning Advise by Dr. Lawrence

End Time Planning Advise by Dr. Lawrence

Through this extraordinary assignment, you will find yourself at the forefront of a transformative movement, bearing the responsibility of feeding those left behind to endure great tribulations. Your dedicated service will provide solace, strength, and sustenance to those whom you are assigned. With each step you take, you will be guided by the top-secret instructions received directly from God, as you embody the essence of true discipleship and selfless love, leaving an indelible mark on the lives you touch.

When God’s whispers reach your ears, signaling your readiness to take up this momentous mantle, you will undoubtedly face fears and obstacles and will need some solace, strength, and spiritual sustenance of your own. Dr. Lawrence will encourage you to stay vigilant for the moment, embracing this most important calling with humility and determination, for it is through your unwavering commitment to God's mission that you will stand as a beacon of hope and light amidst the darkness that lies ahead.

Prayerfully, you will take heed to the advice of Dr. Lawrence to embrace the divine and God-sized calling that awaits you, a sacred assignment carefully orchestrated by God Himself, just for you for such a time as this.

If We Can Even Begin To Do This, Nothing Will Be Impossible for Us. (Ge 11:6).

Dear seeker of your divine calling: Thank you for your interest in the End Time Planning ministry, where we are dedicated to preparing God's wise and faithful servants whom the Master has put in charge of His servants to give them their food at the proper time. If you have felt a stirring within your spirit and believe you have been given ears to hear your end time assignment, we invite you to connect with us using the form below. We will be honored to help guide you through this top-secret assignment entrusted to you by God, Himself. Join our network of wise and faithful servants, united in our mission to feed and care for God's sheep during the impending times of great tribulation. Take the first step towards embracing this extraordinary calling and becoming a source of strength and support for those left behind.